Opening Ottawa Doors

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Opening Ottawa Doors

Contact me for a professional no cost evaluation of your homes current market value.


Giving thanks is a daily ritual of mine. As such, I decided that I would like to blog about something I’m passionate about and in doing so perhaps it may help just one person who is feeling down, to put a smile….if ever so slightly on their face.

These bi-weekly posts are meant to resonate and inspire. I plan on using my own life’s experiences as my cliff to jump off. Occasionally, I shall re-post from inspirational sayings that fit in with my own experiences.


It is so easy in this fast paced world, to forget what’s truly important. That of family & friends. To some of us, friends are as important if not more important than family, as they are the family we choose. I had a close friend of mine say to me once “Good friends are hard to come by. You don’t want to let one slip away”. I so agree and cherish those friendships very much.

It’s also a reminder of a time, 27 years ago when my eldest of three daughters was 16 years old. Busy teenager in high school, working part time at McDonald’s and hanging with friends in what she had of in free time. I had asked her when the last time was that she had spoken to her grandma, who at the time was 66 years old. Her answer was “about a month.” I said, “Well that stops now. From here on in, Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m. I expect everyone to come to our Sunday meal. No excuses. Book off work, schedule your homework and projects around this 1 hour time frame at the very least.” That tradition carried on for 22 years. Twenty two bonding years from granddaughters, to future son-in-laws, to grandma. Sadly, grandma passed in 2013.

Very grateful that we had that extra time together over and above what other times we spent as a family.

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Right at Home Realty, Ottawa

14 Chamberlain Ave. #101,
Ottawa, ON K1S 1V9

Sharon Forbes Real Estate Agent

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